“Speaking Kokeshi” is a cultural project that combines visual elements of Japan 日本,
between kokeshi dolls こけし and proverbs (kotowaza) 諺, idioms, sayings, and lifestyle.
It is a collection of illustrated Japanese proverbs.
The collection started in May 2023.
New Kokeshi are published regularly.
The visuals are individually drawn. No AI or whateverGPT.
Merchandising & NFT collection.

la collection

Speaking Kokeshi proverbe japonais #001 Avoid stating your abilities without reason.

#001 Avoid stating your abilities without reason.

Speaking Kokeshi #002 Everything or nothing.
#002 Everything or nothing.
Speaking Kokeshi #003 Running after two hares.
#003 Running after two hares.
Speaking Kokeshi #004  It’s wise to remain silent.
#004 It’s wise to remain silent.
Speaking Kokeshi #005 Even the most ruthless people sometimes shed tears.
#005 Even the most ruthless people sometimes shed tears.
Speaking Kokeshi #006 There is no great genius without a mixture of madness.
#006 There is no great genius without a mixture of madness.
Speaking Kokeshi #007 To provoke a bad situation unnecessarily.
#007 To provoke a bad situation unnecessarily.
Speaking Kokeshi #008 To create meaningful experiences during youthfulness.
#008 To create meaningful experiences during youthfulness.
Speaking Kokeshi #009 A conflict between two sides leads to the benefit of a third.
#009 A conflict between two sides leads to the benefit of a third.
Speaking Kokeshi #010 To avoid an unpleasant situation.
#010 To avoid an unpleasant situation.
Speaking Kokeshi #011 To achieve two objectives with the same action.
#011 To achieve two objectives with the same action.
Speaking Kokeshi #012 A closed mind is limited by its own knowledge.
#012 A closed mind is limited by its own knowledge.
Speaking Kokeshi #013 Drunkenness reveals the true face of people.
#013 Drunkenness reveals the true face of people.
Speaking Kokeshi #014 Crowd gathering panda.
#014 Crowd gathering panda.
Speaking Kokeshi #015 Take proactive measures to prevent problems.
#015 Take proactive measures to prevent problems.
Speaking Kokeshi #016 The fish in the water.
#016 The fish in the water.
Speaking Kokeshi #017 Il Just start, and the path will clear.
#017 Just start, and the path will clear.
Speaking Kokeshi #018 Everyone can make mistake.
#018 Everyone can make mistake.
Speaking Kokeshi #019 Diabolical.
#019 Diabolical.
Speaking Kokeshi #020 Everyone has their limits.
#020 Everyone has their limits.
Speaking Kokeshi #021 True understanding can be achieved through a deep connection or unspoken communication.
#021 True understanding can be achieved through a deep connection or unspoken communication.
Speaking Kokeshi #022 An easy prey.
#022 An easy prey.
Speaking Kokeshi #023 Only a fool deals with a fool.
#023 Only a fool deals with a fool.
Speaking Kokeshi #024 To give something to someone who, due to not understanding or appreciating its value, is unable to take advantage of it.
#024 To give something to someone who, due to not understanding or appreciating its value, is unable to take advantage of it.
Speaking Kokeshi #025 Someone who’s been killed can’t reveal big secrets.
#025 Someone who’s been killed can’t reveal big secrets.
Speaking Kokeshi #026 Something valuable is wasted on someone who cannot appreciate its worth.
#026 Something valuable is wasted on someone who cannot appreciate its worth.
Speaking Kokeshi #027 Cultivating talents and interests contribute to success and well-being.
#027 Cultivating talents and interests contribute to success and well-being.
Speaking Kokeshi #028 Every moment of life is precious.
#028 Every moment of life is precious.
Speaking Kokeshi #029 Reality can be constructed using our imagination, yet unable to rival it.
#029 Reality can be constructed using our imagination, yet unable to rival it.
Speaking Kokeshi #030 Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
#030 Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Speaking Kokeshi #031 What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
#031 What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
Speaking Kokeshi #032 An amateur is unpredictable and potentially dangerous.
#032 An amateur is unpredictable and potentially dangerous.
Speaking Kokeshi #033 Love is blind.
#033 Love is blind.
Speaking Kokeshi #034 A key step towards success.
#034 A key step towards success.
Speaking Kokeshi #035 Adopting a morning routine for one's well-being and health is an invaluable virtue.
#035 Adopting a morning routine for one's well-being and health is an invaluable virtue.
Speaking Kokeshi #036 Betrayed by a trusted subordinate.
#036 Betrayed by a trusted subordinate.
Speaking Kokeshi #037 Avoid rushing blindly and proceed thoughtfully to avoid having to start over completely.
#037 Avoid rushing blindly and proceed thoughtfully to avoid having to start over completely.
Speaking Kokeshi #038 Understanding one aspect of reality while falsely believing you understand it all.
#038 Understanding one aspect of reality while falsely believing you understand it all.
Speaking Kokeshi #039 Reason for being.
#039 Reason for being.
Speaking Kokeshi #040 Moving forward despite failures.
#040 Moving forward despite failures.

édition graphique

Speaking Kokeshi Grafic Encouragement Daruma
Encouragement Daruma.
Speaking Kokeshi Grafic Kawaii encouragement Daruma
Kawaii encouragement Daruma.

affiches & mugs

Vous aimez la culture Japonaise et aimeriez retrouver ces proverbes chez vous? Pour décorer votre restaurant japonais? Votre dojo? Rendez-vous sur MIBEARTSHOP.COM pour commander les affiches et mugs de la collection SPEAKING KOKESHI classique ainsi pour l'édition graphique.

Speaking Kokeshi was born out of my passion for Japanese culture and my love for art. The original idea was to adapt the tradition of 19th-century European talking plates to modern times, integrating elements of Japanese culture. This concept evolved into a black and white drawing, starting with the cat number 24 of the collection, with the hope that, unlike the proverb that accompanies it, you would derive something precious from it.